Personal Safety – Why It’s Worth Thinking About

1599992845_80eb53df27_bIt’s not going to happen to me. Or so we think. When something happens…a person is assaulted, kidnapped, robbed…we always think we won’t be next.

We are SO busy. We don’t want to think about this.

It’s possible you won’t be next, and I hope you aren’t! BUT there is always a chance you could end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or your loved ones can be.

If that happens, there are some things you can do to protect yourself. Here are 6 tips:

1.) Carry a mini taser in your bag, briefcase, or purse. They have ones that are so small that they are lipstick sized. They come with cases and you can stowe them easily and they stay charged for a long period of time. You may never need it, but it’s good to have!

2.) When getting into your car, especially in an isolated area or at night, look in the back seat and under the car when walking up to it.

3.) If you stay late at the office, let security know you are there and let them know when you leave.

4.) If you have an office visitor late in the day, put sharp objects away, wallets, and anything confidential just in case.

5.) Get a doorbell camera or home safety system. Your local cable company should have an option for you. Ring is one option. 

6.) Trust your intution! We so often don’t do that, and it’s usually right. If it turns out to be nothing, that’s okay, but check it out.

If you are the victim of an attack or assault and you need help, you can schedule a consultation here.  You may also contact me at 601-684-9657 or e-mail me at