Category Archives: Goal Setting

Are You Goal Focused?

Are You Goal Focused-1This may be the first question to ask yourself when thinking about how you’d like to make progress / set goals this year.

In order to set a goal, you have to know where you’re headed but most people have no clear direction. They don’t know what they’re working toward and they have no way to gauge their success or failure.

Think of it like being an airline pilot. You can go into the cockpit and sit down. You may know what all the controls do but you have no destination or flight plan. How do you know if you did your job? How do you know if you arrived where you intended to be?

The simple answer is you don’t. That’s what it’s like to coast through life without goals. Goals are your flight plan. They help you chart a path from where you are right now to where you want to be. Without a plan, you’re just flying around in circles and burning valuable fuel.

Setting Goals Requires Commitment

Setting a goal doesn’t matter if you aren’t willing to commit to seeing it through. It’s the equivalent of coming up with a flight plan but never setting foot in the cockpit. Following through on a goal is hard and it can be scary. But if you’re not happy with your life, you’re the only one that can change it.

Are You Willing to Take Responsibility?

Most people fail at reaching their goals because they neglect to change their mindset. It’s easy to make excuses for why you aren’t achieving your goals. You may tell yourself that you don’t have the time or money to pursue your goals. You may tell yourself that you were dealt a bad hand in life and you can’t do anything to change it.

You have to be willing to set these excuses aside and take responsibility for your life. When a pilot sits down in the cockpit, they take responsibility for the aircraft. They can’t make excuses because they have the lives of other people in their hands and so do you. You have your life in your hands. What you choose to do with it is your responsibility.

Know What Your Finish Line Looks Like

To meet a goal, you have to be focused on the finish line. It’s easier to binge on Netflix than it is to work toward you goals. That’s why it’s important that you have a visual reminder of the finish line.

This finish line image can be a picture of the island where you’ll go on vacation after you’ve gotten out of debt or a collage of what your home office will look like when you finally earn enough to quit your job. Focusing on your finish line keeps you motivated and increases your chances of success.

Becoming goal focused is difficult and requires discipline. But if what you want is important to you, then you’ll find a way to reach your goals and live the life you want.

Click here to download the full e-book journal with all 4 steps to goal setting.

Click here to download the goal setting workbook.

What Are You Truly Fired Up to Focus On?

Figuring this out is the first step to setting your goal. (**You can download the accompanying workbook and ebook journal with all the goal setting steps at the bottom of this article).

A quick note before we get to the goods, I just want to let you know that I’m going to be putting out a ton of AMAZING free content this year as a way to give back, but only those subscribed to my newsletter will get it. So, go on over to the right side of this page and sign up, so you don’t miss it. You’ll also get my free course on Therapeutic Writing when you do. I’m so excited to see how it all unfolds for you! 

There may be several areas of your life that you’d like to improve by setting goals. You know that you’d feel happy when you completed them. But what’s the one goal that you really want to accomplish? What’s the one that fills you with excitement and makes your heart beat fast as you dream of the possibilities?

You want to pursue goals that excite you because you’ll be more motivated to achieve them. When you encounter roadblocks, you’ll be more likely to find a way to overcome them. Passion is the fuel that will drive you forward and enable you to keep going when things are tough.

What one thing, if completed, would be the tipping point for everything else you want to do?

You can transform your life by pursing a single goal. Think about the weight loss transformations you see in magazines or the inspirational stories of employees who built their dream business while working full-time. It all started with a single goal that changed the direction of their lives.

Why is this goal important?

Once you know what your goal is and you feel passionate about it, you need to dig deep to discover why this goal matters to you. This is important because you have to know what’s motivating you. On the bad days when you encounter setbacks, your motivation will have to be powerful enough to give you the strength to keep going.

Your motivation doesn’t have to be about you. For example, if you’re an obese parent, maybe you’re afraid that you won’t live to see your child graduate high school unless you change how you eat. In this case, your motivation is your child. So when you’ve had a horrible day and want to do emotional eating, you think of your child in his or her graduation gown.

What’s the first step?

Now that you know what you want, it can be helpful to make a list. You should write down all the ways your life will benefit when you’ve achieved your goal. This list can help you stay motivated and give you the courage to keep going after your dream.

While you may not realize it right now, setting and achieving one goal that’s important to you should be the start of your brand new life. It will transform you into a different person, one that’s more confident and happier than before.

Click here to download the full e-book journal with all 4 steps to goal setting.

Click here to download the goal setting workbook.